Monday, October 4, 2010

The Next Week...

So, after the shock of Sunday morning we got our heads on straight and started the next steps. I went to the doctor on Monday morning to have my blood drawn. They called Tuesday morning with the results. Positive, of course. Since my mother was a Labor and Delivery nurse at Deaconess Hospital in OKC for quite sometime, I've never really had a choice where the baby would be born. (but it is a pretty awesome hospital, with some pretty wonderful nurses - this I know first hand) Anywho, mom called and found me a doctor that was, by the grace of God, taking new patients and accepted our insurance. I scheduled my first prenatal appointment for October 14th, 2010. I am so excited.
The hardest part, however, was trying to figure out how, and when, to tell everyone. Everyone knew that my dad would take it the hardest. So, Chad and I decided that we should tell him together. My brothers had a football game Friday night, so we all had dinner before. I was a nervous wreck all week, because I had no idea what he would say or do. BUT, he took it MUCH BETTER than expected, and I think he may even be a little excited to be a Granddad. After he found out, telling everyone else was so easy - and so much fun! I just don't ever get tired of saying, "Hey! I'm pregnant" - and neither does the daddy to be. Chad got to tell all four of his parents at once, and his Mom immediately started crying. Soo sweet. We did a big round of hugs and I love you's and it just made me realize how extremely lucky we are - all three of us. Baby Wilson is going to have 3 sets of THE GREATEST grandparents in the whole world, and I couldn't possibly be more thankful.

So now the world knows, or at least our world does. Thank you everyone for all of the congratulations and thank you in advance for all the prayers. We'll need them.


  1. Hooray for bloggin! :)
    Why would your dad take it hard? My dad has been bugging me to make him a grandpa...but we're not so sure about that just yet. But I'm glad to hear he took it well and I'm very excited you get to that extra room in your house to a nursery! Congrats!!

  2. O my word Jamie! He has "plans" for me. Get my MBA, take over our family time for babies! And I think the fact that he has a 1 and 2 year old himself doesn't help. When we told him he said, "Stefani! I thought we decided we weren't going to have kids yet?" Haha, yes. Like he had anything to do with my being preg. LOL!
