On Thursday, November 11th, I had my second prenatal appointment. Our doctor wanted to do an ultrasound so we could try and hear the heart beat. However, this did NOT go as planned. She moved the doppler over my belly, and found the baby. All we could see were little arms and legs just a kicking and punching. We only saw this for just a couple seconds before the baby rolled over, and we couldn't see it anymore. The doctor found it again, only to see it for just a few seconds - still flip floppin' all over the place. This went on for about ten minutes, and the baby was never still enough for us to hear any heart beat. Our doctor said, and I quote, "Well, I wanted to try and hear the heart beat to make sure we had a healthy and viable baby, but it seems pretty healthy to me!"....So, she decided to try to find the baby one more time...this time, when we found it, it was still for about half a second before (I kid you not); it JUMPED straight up. It went from laying on the bottom of my uterus, straight UP to the top. It was THE CRAZIEST thing I have ever seen. I thought it was just me, because obviously everything about this is new and crazy to me, but I was encouraged when my doctor hollered out, "Did you see that?!? That's crazy! Did you have Mexican jumping beans for lunch??". (She's so cute).
But, I tell you all this to say - our baby is healthy and REALLY excited about life right now. I have another appointment in December, and then the next appointment will hopefully be on January 7th (Daddy's birthday & Nana and Granddad Ross's anniversary) and I'll be far enough along to tell if we have a little Mr. or Missy on the way! We just can't wait!
Thank you too all that have been so supportive and prayerful as we grow this little blessing and prepare to be parents.